We track digital performance, brand reputation and global megatrends for built environment industries that include architecture, construction, engineering (A/E/C), commercial real estate and property services firms.
Recognized by REBRAND for effective brand transformations with smart strategy and insights
The digital world is moving and evolving at warp speed, driving global megatrends that impact the built environment. In addition, according to the World Economic Forum, we are in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Stay up-to-date and relevant or get left behind. With our research and reports you’ll anticipate and plan for future change.
Considering a partnership or sale, or simply want to build your marketplace value? Even if you’re managing the brand of your global organization or positioning your thought leaders with power and purpose, you’ll have our jargon-free information and guidance. Theory won’t help, but real numbers and how to apply their meaning, will.
Research, reports, articles and presentations are curated from industry collaborators and partners . We leverage our established and growing community of industry innovators to bring you valuable insights, tools and resources. You’ll find a mix of interviews with proven experts, articles, papers, and more.
Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.
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